Non-urgent advice: Please continue to Be Kind
Demand for appointments is extremely high across all GP practices right now. We understand how frustrating and worrying it can be if you are unwell or waiting for further treatment, but please continue to be kind to our team as they try their best to help everyone under difficult circumstances.
Violence and aggression towards our staff are never acceptable. Anyone who uses abusive language or threatening behaviour towards a practice team member will be refused care plus further action where necessary.

Alongside our GP’s, ANP’s and Nursing team, we have access to Social Prescribing Link Workers (SPLWs), Care Co-ordinators, Clinical Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Frailty nurse and an acute home visiting team made up of Paramedics. Our trained Receptionists can signpost you to access the right care at the earliest opportunity.
As we are a Training Practice, you may be offered an appointment with a GP Registrar.
If you require any information from us in accessible format such as large print, easy read or Braille, please contact the surgery on 01422 410433 or ask a receptionist.
Do you struggle with your sleep? Why not self refer to Sleep Station.
Non-urgent advice: Dental Care
We do not deal with dental problems at the surgery.
If you have a dental problem you need to visit your dentist. If you do not have a dentist, you should contact NHS 111
Online Services
Online services allow you to:
- book, check or cancel appointments with a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional
- order repeat prescriptions
- see parts of your health record, including information about medicines, vaccinations and test results
- see communications between your GP surgery and other services, such as hospitals