Surgeries are by appointment only.
Online consultation requests for non-urgent help can be made at any time. They will be responded to as soon as possible, usually within two working days. Alternatively, visit the local pharmacy for clinical advice on minor health concerns.
Appointments are being delivered face-to-face, by telephone, or using video calls and messaging to your mobile or computer – the practice team will assess what is most appropriate for you.
You may see any doctor but please try to avoid seeing different doctors in the same episode of illness.
Do not come into the surgery for your appointment if you have symptoms of coronavirus
If for any reason you have to cancel an appointment, please let the reception staff know, or cancel via the online system, as soon as possible, then we will be able to let someone else use the appointment.
Text Reminder Service
We have a text reminder service running; this service will remind you prior to your appointment via text message. We also use this service to inform you of any other issues at the surgery that we think you would need to know. You may opt out of this service by sending a letter or email direct to the surgery otherwise we will assume when you give your mobile telephone number to us that you wish to opt in to this service.
Please log in to book an appointment.